62 Roman Road, Bethnel Green,  E2 OPG


contact Morgan morgan@thesplitgallery.co


With works by artists Thomas Allen, Jess Allen, Maggie Mengin Ches, Christion Demartino,Salvatore Pione


The show delves into recollections of the past - memories we try to hold onto but with the passing of time, they become lost, confused, and jumbled up with others. This leads us to fit the memories together in a new way, like a sort of puzzle getting fitted back together with odd ends and misshapen corners.

The belief that all our memories are true expressions are fabrications, copies of others, confabulations of the past. It is usually to help us understand and interpret the world around us, and to highlight or make certain key events more meaningful to our own independent characteristics we stand by. This happens subconsciously most of the time.

The exhibition highlights moments of ourselves that we hold dear, moments we are trying to decipher factuality from. Where does the truth lie in what we remember?

The question is, which memories are the most lost, the most cared for, and which ones do we hold so tight that they are no longer what they used to be? How far can something of great importance be lost but still loved for its false truth?